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Just-In-Time Muffins Program
The bakery business of Bunge North America was acquired by Dawn Food Products, Inc., in December 2003, and is one of the world’s largest full-service, baking industry suppliers.


The company wanted to announce its new frozen muffin products to grocery and bakery buyers nationwide. The new product featured a better baking tray that required less labor to go from freezer, to oven, to display.


We branded the new product “Just-In-Time Muffins” to emphasize the financial advantage of these frozen muffins to store buyers. A national trade ad was prepared that showed the deeper muffin tray and the beautiful in-store display of baked muffins. A direct mail program to targeted buyers included an actual baking tray and a large brochure designed to look like baked muffins contained the important sales messages.

And the web site was designed to link with the promotion, offering downloads of the ad and product literature.