Before its recent merger with Cenex
to form Cenex Harvest States, Harvest States was a $7.1 billion agri/foods
cooperative involved in grain marketing, food processing, farm supplies
and business services. Working with a large network of local, producer-owned
cooperatives in the Upper Midwest, Plains States and Pacific Northwest,
the company has customers throughout the nation and around the world. |
To use the annual report to emphasize the wide array of services
and programs the cooperative offers to producers and local farmer
cooperatives and how these members use the services to benefit their
individual operations. The company wanted to call special attention
to a new investment program in which eligible producers and local
cooperatives could participate.
The annual report was built around a report-within-a-report format that
included vignettes on individual farmers and local cooperatives, all
of whom were investors as well as users of other Harvest States services
and programs. In the vignettes, the company's performance, services and
other benefits were communicated with photo montages centering on the
featured individuals and large displays of key words accompanying the
text. Thus, the overall message was conveyed on several levels.